According to, 1 in 5 students ages 12-18 is bullied during the school year in the United States.  Approximately 160,000 teens have skipped school because of bullying.  Students who reported being bullied scored lower in reading, mathematics, and science than their peers. The most commonly reported type of bullying is verbal harassment (79%), followed by social harassment (50%), physical bullying (29%), and cyberbullying (25%).

More than half of bullying situations (57%) stop when a peer intervenes on behalf of the student being bullied.

Every student has the right to come to school with a clear mind that is free from the stresses associated with bullying and harassing behavior. AllyEducate can help prevent bullying and harassing behavior.

Who can learn from this program?

AllyEducate is an online course originally designed to be completed by middle and high school students.  However, it most certainly can be beneficial to anyone interested in learning more about preventing and stopping bullying and harassing behavior.  It can also be used as an educational program for teachers, parents, and other community members.  The program is designed to be used as a tool that provides supplemental material for anti-bullying programs.

AllyEducate course topics include (Spanish version is available):

If you are a parent, looking to purchase this course for your child

If you are a teacher, school administrator, health organization, or community group looking to purchase this course for your students